
Showing posts from June, 2018

Ancient name of India

1)The ancient name of India was Aja Nabha Varsha. ( Aja means Brahma. Nabha means navel or central portion.Varsha means nation/country.) 2)Bharata (Bha means light and knowledge. Rata  means devoted  to light as against darkness.) The whole country was highly enlightened spiritually. According to another source, the name Bharat  for India is derived from king Bharat, the son of Shakuntala, wife of king Dushyanta. 3)People  who lived on the bank of river  Indus   were called originally as  Indu  and  later  as  Hindu and the land  came to be called as Hindusthan. 4)The  name India was given by the British. 5)Aryavarta is another name which   refers to  India. The Aryans who entered the country, ruled it, and settled  here.Aryan means  good and noble. The natives  who were non-Aryans were called as Dasyus. 6)Jambu Dweepa ( the  shape of India resembles jam...